Best Poker Online Sites For US Players

To say that the legal landscape in the USA surrounding online poker sites has been - how can we put it? - interesting recently, would be something of an understatement.
We have had poker booms, of course, and we have had controversy, prohibition and some sort of move towards pan American legislation. The waters are muddy, but we are here to make them as clear as possible for poker online players in the US like you. As well as putting you right on the absolute current legal situations, we find the best US poker sites. They all are:
- The poker online sites with the best cashback and welcome bonuses
- The poker rooms with the largest pools of US players
- The most secure and safe sites for deposits and withdrawals
Top Poker Online Websites
While the laws surrounding online gambling are being ironed out, some of the bigger names in poker online have pulled out of the United States market altogether. However, online poker rooms like Lock and Bovada are still taking US players, allowing deposits, and paying out real money in real time, with some of the biggest guaranteed prizepools available to US Texas Hold'em players.
In addition, some poker online websites have opted for a membership method. For a set fee per-month, United States players can play for prizes and real money from guarantees based on dollars drawn from membership dollars and advertisers. The premier example of this is the World Poker Tour's subscription online poker site,
The US House of Representatives and Senate have been peppered from all sides with new bills to define and organize online gambling for the entire nation. However, no federal law has yet to be passed by both Houses, leaving the decision on the heads of state lawmakers. That makes it difficult to determine which online poker sites are US friendly – and legal for players in a particular state.
Locally, Nevada passed its bill internally, and the first fully legally defined US poker online website was opened on April 30, 2013 - but only to Internet players inside the boundaries of the state; New Jersey and Delaware are expected to follow. Once passed by multiple states, there is the potential to band together to increase player pools.
Just like when choosing your go-to "brick and mortar" card room, you want to choose an Internet Texas Hold'em room that is safe, convenient and offers the games and stakes you're comfortable with. However, when playing online poker, there are a few more variables to consider when making your choice of poker site. USA players will find it doubly important to be prudent.
Look for deposit bonuses that are attainable in the time offered coupled with bonus points that pay out in a timely manner. Don't get sucked in by large bonus offers that aren't easy to convert. Also, beware poker sites for US players that don't have a player base large enough to support the games and tournaments you want to play.
A good US facing poker online site will, first off, take money through convenient means and pay it back the same way. Second, you are looking for a skin (the interface) that has been tried, tested and improved for playability. Look for comfort factors such as: the ease of playing multiple tables, the ability to set filters for the games you like, and perks like late registration and access - or lack thereof - to data tracking sites so you can use - or avoid those players using - HUD programs like Poker Tracker. Finally, make sure hand histories are available, easy to download and review.
We are passionate about playing poker online, just like you. We have done all the hard work so you don't have to. For finding the best online poker sites for US players, look no further than

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